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A Place Called Perfect Page 11
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Page 11
“Iris?” Violet interrupted.
William nodded “I wasn’t perfect and still you see I was popular. That killed my brothers. It ate away at their perfect theories. They hated me. It hurt for a while but I got used to it, that was until the day Macula arrived.”
“She was beautiful,” Violet said, looking at the picture.
“She turned up in our town like an exotic bird. We fell for her immediately. All of us did. Every young man in Adequate was in love with Macula Lashes. My brothers tried everything possible to win her heart. George sent her flowers, Edward wrote her poems but nothing worked. I did nothing. I was too shy and never thought she’d like me. The strange thing was doing nothing seemed to work. That’s women for you,” William smiled at Boy who blushed.
“We fell in love and it broke my brothers’ hearts’. From that moment on they plotted ways to get rid of me and anything else that didn’t fit into their vision of a perfect world. That’s how “Adequate” came to be “Perfect”. They blinded the population, invented their glasses and threw anyone who didn’t conform into No Mans Land, a place where their glasses couldn’t penetrate. They made us invisible. I’ve been here ever since. They told my mother and Macula that I’d left them. They took my life from me.”
“That’s terrible,” Violet said, as the old man walked over to a cabinet by the wall.
“This is her,” he said, pulling a picture from the drawer and joining them back at the table.
“Wow,” Boy smiled, staring at the picture, “I can see why everyone fancied her.”
“She really is beautiful,” Violet added.
“Was beautiful,” William said, his voice barely audible, “she left Perfect. Met another man George told me. They were both killed on honeymoon when their hot air balloon fell from a height to the ground.”
“Oh,” Violet laughed.
William looked up from the picture.
“Do you find death funny?” he snapped.
“No just George’s story. I didn’t know he had any imagination. Except when it’s in a jar,” Violet smiled.
“Violet are you sure?” Boy hissed across the table, “I really don’t know about this.”
“About what?”
“Well,” Violet said, “I don’t think Macula was in a hot air balloon or with another man or had even forgotten about you for a second.”
“What do you mean?” William said pushing back from the table.
“I met her,” Violet smiled, “I met her only a few days ago in the Ghost Estate.”
William looked at Violet then strode to the cabinet and gently put the picture back in it’s place. Without a word he walked into the shadows and through the door to his office.
“I knew we shouldn’t have come Violet,” Boy whispered, leaning across the table, “Let’s go please. I don’t think he’s too happy with us.”
She was about to answer when a door banged loudly and William Archer emerged back through the shadows. He stopped short of the table and flung something down onto the wood. A gold ring wobbled and rolled before falling over dead.
“Her wedding ring,” he snapped, “Now please leave this house. I have lost all but a morsel of my patience.”
Violet picked up the delicate golden ring and stared at the inscription written in swirly letters.
To my love, everything is clear when I’m with you. William.
“But…” she said, before losing her words.
Boy got up from his seat and grabbed Violet’s hand.
“Come on,” he said, pulling her from the chair, “we have to go. I’m sorry Mr. Archer. We didn’t mean…”
“Her eyes,” Violet said suddenly, “her eyes are green. As green as the grass in spring.”
William Archer walked to the door, grabbed the handle and wrenched it open.
“And she mentioned a son,” Violet stammered, as Boy pulled her through the doorway, “ she said she knew what it was like to lose a child. She said the Archers had taken everything from her and the world meant nothing now.”
The door slammed behind them and Violet and Boy were left alone in the narrow back lane of No Mans Land.
“It was her. I swear Boy,” Violet sobbed, as they reached the corner.
Suddenly another bang shook the street. The pair turned to see William Archer standing outside his house.
“Tell me again what she said Violet?” he shouted.
Violet looked at Boy who pushed her towards William.
“Tell him,” he whispered.
“What did she say Violet?” the man asked again.
“Em… she said the Archers took everything from her. She said she had nothing to live for.”
“Before that.”
“She said she knew what it was like to lose a child and that my Dad would never stop looking for me.”
“You better come back in,” William said, returning to the house.
Violet looked at Boy who had rejoined her side and they walked back up the street together. William Archer was sitting in his chair by the window and the pair took their spots at the table. For a while there was silence. William swirled the gold wedding ring round his little finger.
“We had a child,” he said, without looking up, “We called him Alfred. Macula said it was a proud name, one she knew he would wear well. I didn’t argue I loved her too much for that. Alfred was the most beautiful child I’d ever seen, he took after his mother. He was five when he died.”
Tears formed and William stopped speaking. Violet glanced at Boy who looked as shocked as she felt. She was about to speak when her friend shook his head and she stopped. After a few moments William continued.
“I had been away trying to rally up support against my brothers. It was a crazy crusade Macula said and it was one she disagreed with. My brothers called round while I was out and Macula got into an argument with them. They were trying to persuade her against me. No one noticed the door was open. My mother was the first to spot it and she chased out of the house after Alfred but by then it was too late. He’d fallen under the wheels of a passing car. It was torture. No Mans Land is not a patch on the grief of losing a child. Macula always said the Archers took her son, I never knew if she included me in that but if so she had every right. I should have been there.”
“I’m sorry,” Boy said, “we shouldn’t have come.”
“No Boy. I am the one who is sorry. It’s just I haven’t spoken about Alfred in a long time. It’s easier than it used to be,” he smiled.
“How long ago was the accident?” Violet asked.
“A long time ago Violet, a few years before Perfect. We got through it but I continued to try and convince people of what was going on. My work became my life. I wanted to forget about my son and my wife suffered. She said that treacherous day she lost everything to the Archers. That’s how I knew you had met her. How is she?” William asked, his eyes glassy.
“She’s good,” Violet replied, “she helped me. She saved me from the Watchers. I asked her if she wanted to escape and that is when she said all that stuff about having nothing left. I think she was scared.”
“Did she mention me?”
“No I didn’t ask her many questions.”
“Oh,” William sighed, “I expect that was for the best. Did she seem well though? Healthy? At least a little happy?”
“She seemed healthy,” Violet said, “but I don’t think she was happy.”
William stood up from the table and paced the room. The sadness left his face. His mouth narrowed and his eyes darted from side to side, he was concentrating, thinking. He marched towards the table. His hand held firm in a fist, which he slammed ferociously onto the solid wood. Everything jumped including Violet and Boy.
“Those blasted brothers,” he snarled, “They have made their last pair of spectacles.”
Violet smiled at Boy then up at William Archer.
“I told Boy all we had to do was make you brave again.”
“I’m feeling a lot braver
thank you Violet.”
Time For Tactics
William Archer walked to the cabinet and pulled out a notepad and pencil.
“Now tell me everything you know. I need all the details,” he said, rejoining the pair at the table.
Violet and Boy told their tale with enthusiasm. Starting when Violet put on William’s glasses, to the Archer’s shop, the Ghost Estate, the eyes, Macula and finding Violet’s Dad. William Archer interjected with questions. He pushed them to remember details and when they’d finished Violet and Boy were exhausted.
“I’ve never had to think this hard about anything,” Boy yawned, rubbing his forehead.
“We have to get everything down Boy. My brothers are formidable opponents and we can’t go into battle ill prepared.”
“We’re going into battle?” Violet said her eyes large.
“We’re not going to kill anybody are we?” Boy asked.
“No Boy,” William smiled, “we’re going to cause mayhem and madness. My brothers won’t know what hit them. I’ve been waiting for things to happen a very long time and you two have made me see sense. I can’t sit down and wait any longer, I have to make them happen. Waiting is a coward’s game. I have to fight for what I want.”
“Well I want my family back,” Violet said.
“As do I Violet,” William replied.
Boy sat silently fidgeting opposite them. Violet flushed, he had no family.
“Boy imagine: you’ll be free of me,” she smiled.
He smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Now,” William said, pushing up from the table, “can you two draw a map of the Ghost Estate. It needs to be as accurate as possible. Mark down the house you think Macula is in and where all the Watchers are stationed…”
“And where my Dad is,” Violet interrupted.
“Of course Violet,” William Archer said, quickly walking back into the shadows of the room.
Violet and Boy were arguing over the number of houses in the estate when William rejoined them at the table. He was laden down with bits and bobs of equipment, reams of paper and a jar of gooey water in which the dead eye plant was suspended.
“Eeeeuh!” Violet said, as the jar was placed in front of her, “that thing is disgusting.”
“I did a little investigation after you left. It brought me back to the old days” William smiled, as he picked up the eyeball, “I discovered what my brothers are up to with these little beauties.”
He handed the plant to Violet and then Boy pointing out an incision he’d made in the centre of the eye.
“See this,” he said, gently lifting a thin layer of rose coloured film from the pupil, “this is made from the same material as the lenses in their glasses. I remember my brothers’ main frustration with Perfect was that is wasn’t quiet Perfect, not when everyone in the town wore glasses. With these new eyes that problem is solved. Genius; in a twisted kind of way.”
“You mean they were going to take out people’s eyes and give them new ones?” Boy said, paling round the cheeks.
“Exactly Boy,” William smiled, “I don’t expect my brothers would explain it that way though. I’m sure they’d say it was laser surgery or something of that sort. I’ve heard that’s all the rage in the world of optometry these days.”
“But what about the imaginations?” Violet asked, “how would they steal them then?”
“Oh Violet,” William smiled, “No matter what I say about my brothers I have to give them one thing. They are extremely clever. I’m sure people must have a number of check ups after laser surgery, don’t you think? Three or four sessions should be sufficient to steal a whole imagination these days.”
“Oh,” Violet gasped, “we have to stop them. If they swap people’s eyes there’ll be no hope of them ever changing back.”
“Exactly Violet and that’s why we have to act quickly.”
“What are you planning?” Boy asked.
“I propose a full on assault. Storm the estate. Rescue Macula…and Violet’s Dad of course and destroy the eyes.”
Violet was looking at William’s scribbled notes when she caught Boy making signals at the other side of the table.
“What’s wrong?” she mimed.
William Archer pulled his head from his papers.
“Is everything alright?”
“There’s something wrong with Boy,” Violet said, as her friend made exaggerated facial expressions.
William turned his attention towards Boy who immediately stopped his strange behaviour
“Em…it’s nothing,” he said, looking down at the table.
“It is,” Violet interrupted, “otherwise why would you be making those faces?”
“Thanks Violet!” Boy snapped, annoyed at his friend’s lack of subtlety.
“Come on Boy, spit it out,” William said.
“Well…” Boy began, “I’m not sure about going to the estate just yet. I…I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
William shifted in his seat.
“And why not?” he asked.
“It’s just well… I know the Watchers aren’t the brightest but they aren’t stupid either, I’ve spent twelve years finding that out. They know that we know where Macula and Violet’s Dad are. They know we know about the eyes and the Archers’ experiments too so they’ll be on high alert to anyone going in or out of the estate. I really don’t think it is a good idea to go there first. I know you want Macula and Violet wants her Dad back but they’ll be expecting that and we’ll have walked straight into a trap.”
“I kinda agree with Boy,” Violet said, quietly just as William Archer stood up and began pacing the room.
“Boy, I’m impressed,” he said, after a few minutes, “I was going to run into this like a bull in a china shop. All thought of Macula has clearly clouded my vision. I see now I’ve been selfish. This can’t be just about me, or what I want. It has to be about Perfect. Perhaps we need some lateral thinking.”
“I think we need a diversion,” Boy said, “Maybe that way we can free Perfect and Macula and Violet’s Dad all at the same time.”
“What do you have in mind?” William replied, taking to his seat once more.
Violet and William listened intently as Boy outlined his plan and by that evening they had formulated the first part of ‘Project Perfect’. William Archer took to his den to find all the research he had on reversing his brothers’ blinding concoction.
“I knew I had these notes somewhere,” he said, carrying a bunch of papers back up from his basement. “I’d been working on reversing the effects of their tablets for a while, but abandoned it thinking it was a task too big for one man. Perhaps it’s not too big for one man, one boy and one girl though. However, I’m not altogether sure this mixture will work on the tea. They didn’t have that in my day.”
“I’m sure they use the same stuff in the tea as they did in the tablets. They just probably use more of it,” Violet smiled.
“Good point Violet,” William replied, as he cleared a space on his desk and began to pull out glass flasks from all sorts of nooks and crannies.
Violet and Boy tried to pick up on some sleep needed if they were to be successful in the next part of their plan as William Archer the scientist sprung to life. He argued with himself as he worked about the amounts of this or that needed to reverse the effects of the tea. Later that night he gently shook the pair fromtheir dreams and handed over a flask of greenish pink liquid.
“I do hope this works,” he smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Brilliant,” Boy said, sleepily taking hold of the flask, “we’ll be back fingers crossed by tomorrow evening.”
“What if we can’t find the factory?” Violet asked.
“We’ll find it,” Boy replied.
“I’ll have the old crew rounded up for your return,” William said, “it should take a day or two for the mixture to work so we have time to get the Reimaginator back into action
William gave them both a big hug as they left his house under the cover of darkness.
“Sometimes I really don’t like adults,” Violet whispered as they edged along the dark street, “but sometimes I love them. I don’t know why but their hugs always make me feel safe.”
“I wouldn’t know, that was my first one,” Boy replied, checking round the corner ahead.
His first hug! Violet couldn’t believe it. She followed behind her friend in a somber silence the whole way to the Archer Brothers shop.
Merrill Marx Tea Makers
“I thought we were meant to be looking for the factory. What are we doing here?” Violet asked, as Boy pulled her into the bushes directly opposite the Archer’s shop.
“We are but for now we’re waiting,” he replied.
“For what?”
“You’ll see,” he smiled, and continued his surveillance.
Violet sat back in the bushes, found a comfortable spot and refused to talk to Boy; his response was vague, why couldn’t he just tell her the plan? It was a dark night but the air was warm, and the lonely hoot of an owl resting somewhere above occupied her mind. Hours passed and she’d just nodded off when Boy yanked her sleeve dragging her from her slumber.
“This is it,” he whispered, “we have to go now. Follow me.”
Violet, half asleep, followed her friend from the safety of the bushes out into the dark street. There was a faint outline of a van parked outside the Archer’s shop. A Watcher sat idly on the bonnet, the back doors of the vehicle hung open.
Boy got onto his knees and crawled across the tarmac towards the van. Pebbles and stones dug into her flesh as Violet followed suit. Reaching the back door of the van, Boy signalled to climb aboard. He wanted her to get into the Watchers van, was he mad? She shook her head and turned to crawl back. Boy grabbed her ankle. His grip was firm and his eyes wild and strong. He pointed again. She climbed aboard.
It was dark and she almost collided with a large wooden barrel on her left. She put her hands out. There was another barrel on her right and a narrow space between them. She squeezed in through the middle and hid behind the right hand barrel. Boy followed her lead and slipped in behind the left one. It was pitch black inside and her heart beat rapidly. Boy was invisible in the darkness. She shoved out her foot until she touched his. Her heartbeat steadied. She rested her head against the cold sides of the van and waited.